Sexually Reactive Treatment Services
Addressing Recidivism Through Treatment (ARTT Offender) Program

Sex offender treatment is different than other therapies for adults. Sex offender treatment is a serious and encouraging process which focuses on learning specialized strategies for stopping abusive behavior, being accountable and taking responsibility for harm done.

For the vast majority of those adults and juveniles who have committed a sexual offense, treatment significantly reduces the future risk of repeat offenses. Treatment does not offer amnesty or excuse abusive acts, nor is it intended to punish or humiliate participants. A central focus of treatment is to help an individual create a better life for him/herself by developing their strengths while managing risk.


  • Focus upon individual choice and responsibility for abusive behaviors

  • Develop coping strategies and skills to facilitate respectful behavior and healthy relationships in the community

  • Support of individuals as they make active choices and develop plans which will reduce risk and/ or stop re-offense

  • Work together with community and governmental organizations in enhancing community safety

  • Education and support of spouses, family members, professionals and all others who provide services and/or support to individuals in treatment

Program Components

Sex Offender Evaluation

A sex offender evaluation is a process in which individuals who have committed a sex crime, violent or not, are evaluated to determine the level of risk to the community and to determine the best treatment options and placement. This service involves a Comprehensive Clinical Assessment, impact interviews, multiple clinical interviews, review of collaborative documentation, and a structured assessment.


ARTT Sex Offender Program is a specialized, outpatient program that offers a comprehensive psychosexual evaluation and on-going individual, family, and group therapy. The therapists function as part of the larger containment team. Because referrals come primarily from the court system, staff work closely with probation and parole staff and report to the court as needed. Family involvement in the treatment process is strongly encouraged.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Sexual Offending Behavior?
Sexual offending behavior is any unwanted sexual contact including, but not limited to:

  • Vaginal, oral, anal intercourse

  • Sexual touching

  • Phone calls/letters/email communication

  • Verbal sexual harassment

  • Voyeurism

  • Exhibitionism

  • Fetishism

  • Use/possession of child pornography (i.e. internet or otherwise)

Who Do We Serve?
The ARTT Offender Program offers counseling services to male and female adults and juveniles who have committed a sexual offense or concerned about a risk to sexually offend.

The program is open to anyone who:

  • Is willing to participate in and cooperate with treatment

  • Is agreeable to limits of confidentiality

  • Does NOT have outstanding charges

  • Can be safety treated in a community setting

  • Does not have a debilitating mental illness (i.e. active psychosis) or insufficient cognitive/ social capacity to participate in and benefit from treatment

  1. How long does treatment take?
    The ARTT program usually takes 12 to 18 months to complete. Completion is based on progress by the patient and may take longer if he/ she is unmotivated for treatment.
    Duration of treatment is not the measure of success. Several factors (including orders from the court system) are used to distinguish the successful completion of the program. Treatment is not complete until the person changes his or her behavior and makes safe and healthy decisions. For those who are mandated to attend treatment, a timeframe for treatment may be established as part of that requirement. For some, relapse prevention is a lifelong program.

  2. How is a forensic based evaluation different from a regular mental health evaluation?
    Forensic evaluations or examinations are not healthcare services. You are not considered to be our patient or client; the "client" is typically the person or agency that requests the evaluation or service. This allows us to be as neutral as possible, as we do not develop a typical therapist/patient relationship with you.  

  3. What does Outcomes Counseling and Treatment Services sex offender program consist of?
    The typical client will participate in weekly 90-minute groups and 50 minute individual sessions. Outcomes Counseling and Treatment also provides family/marital therapy as needed. Depending on the needs of the client, the frequency and intensity of treatment may be adjusted to best fit the client.

  4. How much does Outcomes Counseling and Treatment Services cost?
    Our fees are $100 per session which will cost the average client $200 to $400 per month. The sex offender evaluation is an additional fee. It is very important to understand that the motivation of the client coupled with Outcomes Counseling and Treatment’s ability to individualize and tailor treatment directly correlates with the speed, length, and overall end cost of treatment. The current cost for the sex offense specific evaluation is $1500.

  5. Does Outcomes Counseling and Treatment use polygraphs?
    No. If a client’s probation or court requires a polygraph examination for treatment purposes, it is the client’s responsibility to secure those additional services with another treatment provider.

  6. Does my health insurance cover my sex offender specific or psychosexual evaluation?
    In short, no. Health insurance companies pay for medical services, and a sex offender specific and/or psychosexual evaluation (or any other forensic service) is not considered to be a medical or healthcare service. Our contracts with health insurance companies specifically state that only medically necessary services are to be billed to them; therefore, no forensic evaluation will be billed to your health insurance company. A sex offender evaluation or other forensic service does not involve rendering healthcare services to you.